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Want a Winning Game-Plan to Grow Your Business?

You Need 1:1 Sell & Scale Coaching!


Whether starting from scratch, making over, or scaling up your business and marketing operations, you win with our program, Sell & Scale Coaching!

We dive deep into your unique situation to assess you, your available resources, your goals, your market, and your business. 

Then, we chart a customized game-plan towards goal achievement with the ultimate goal of helping you build a high-profit, low-stress, lifestyle business - helping you become an elevated entrepreneur.

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Build Your Best Game-Plan

For many, building a business online brings complexity and confusion. We help you cut through the clutter and build a simple, streamlined game-plan to success.

Instead of a rigid strategy, we acknowledge your unique circumstances, experience, skills, goals, and resources. This VIP program focuses on YOU.

We take all of the above into account to construct a streamlined yet powerful growth path that feels good to you and helps you launch, scale, and profit with the goal of building a lifestyle business.

Launch & Scale Blueprint

When it comes to planning your business marketing, sales funnel, content strategy, website blueprint, offers, and more, smart entrepreneurs don’t go it alone.

We can help you solidify your branding, messaging, marketing, sales, and operational strategies, and weave all these into a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly work schedule.

Putting your game-plan on a calendar is critical in giving you peace of mind, knowing you're on track for your top business goals while enjoying a long weekend off...maybe, collecting sea-shells with your loved ones at the beach.

Enjoy a Lifestyle Business

Arguably, prosperity can be measured in personal fulfillment from one’s work and life, along with a sense that one has the time, health, and wealth to live out one’s life purpose and attain a measure of happiness in one's lifetime. But, however you define prosperity, we build 150 days off per year into your annual business schedule before even discussing your business goals. We’ll help you become an elevated entrepreneur who works by a Success Operating System (SOS). This means you’re 100% when on the clock AND 100% when you’re relaxing, recharging, and investing into the people, activities, and things that bring personal happiness and fulfillment. 

Coaching  Outcomes Include:


90-Day Launch Calendar

Whether you're launching your business from scratch, making over your core offer, or launching a new offer in your successful business, we can help.

We'll put every activity and event that needs to happen on a calendar so you have confidence and peace of mind - knowing your business growth and launch plans are on track.

90 Day Launch Calendar


3-Year Scale Plan

"Where there is no vision, people perish" - (Proverbs 29:18). 

Let's focus and build a 3-year growth plan together.

We'll assess your goals, your strengths, your desires and map out a practical and powerful game-plan to propel you forward.

Having a 3-Year Scale Plan works like a 'true north' keeping you focused on your ultimate goal and away from the many pitfalls, shiny objects, and roadblocks that cause many to lose momentum and lose their way. You NEED this.


Perfect Customer Profile

If you don't KNOW your know can't magnetically attract them, convert them, and keep them for life.

We're experts at helping entrepreneurs not only identify their perfect target audience and avatars, but also at gaining a deep understanding of what makes them tick - their pains, their deep desires, and their motivations. 

We can help you build profiles and personas you and your team will turn to daily for planning website copy, sales funnels, special promotions, and your content calendar.

This is vital intel for establishing your branding, logo design, business colors, your own special language, and more. 



Irresistible Offer Formula

When we know the deep pain points, desires, and motivations of your perfect customer/client/patient then we can more easily create offers they simply can't resist!

Attract endless leads with more effective lead magnets and make more money with more compelling sales presentations (VSLs, Webinars, Challenges, Written Sales Pages, and more).


Customer Journey Roadmap

Most businesses don't attract more leads and sales because they haven't charted a clear path for their customers to follow or they're not implementing it well.

In the forest of digital technology, strategies, and tools, entrepreneurs lose their way and so do the customers you're trying to attract.

Let us help you clear the fog and chart a streamlined path your customers will take to maximize your business lead generation, sales, customers/clients, and profits.


Website That Sells Blueprint

Most websites, still, are nothing more than pretty business cards sitting at the bottom of a mile-high stack of digital pages.

And when people do land on most sites, they bounce quickly because there's nothing that helps them 'stick.'

We have the knowledge and expertise to help you transform your subpar website into a high-traffic, lead generating, and sales converting machine.

When you have a site and sales funnels that are working while you are sleeping, you have grasped core concepts of LIFE AND LAUNCHES - business automation and life autonomy. 


Content to Cash Flow Calendar

If you're not creating content then you're, likely, not one the trajectory of a fast-growing business in the digital marketplace.

You see, today...and online... content has been and still is KING! It's been that way for more than a decade and it's even more true today.

Podcasters, YouTubers, Bloggers, Social Media Influencers are building BIG audiences and monetizing in a broad range of ways.

We have worked behind the scenes for many of rising stars and companies that are building bigger audiences, generating more leads, and making more money than their competitors - purely because of their content calendar output.

We can help you craft a highly engaging content story arch and a system for generating leads and sales from your efforts.


Integrated Marketing Strategy

Social media, podcasting, blogging, paid ads, website, Lives, and more create massive confusion for too many entrepreneurs.

The big challenge is integrating all these platforms and the work you do on them into a unified, streamlined marketing operations system that actually grows your business.

We can help you integrate all your efforts into a streamlined, simple workflow that relieves your headaches, eliminates confusion, and skyrockets profits.

We Help You Sell and Scale While Avoiding Common Pitfalls

As a coaching client, we will help you set customized goals based on where you are and where you want to go.

Next, we will choose one of the above modules or create a more customized option that helps you reach your goals. We will coach you from concept to cashflow in a 90-Day Track (time-period) per goal. This ensures maximum value for you and provides enough time margin to fully execute a given Module.

Finally, if you wish to continue coaching, we will choose another module or set new goals in the same area and start another 90-Day Track. 

Together, we can bring your dream goals to life!

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Deep Experience, Insight, & Results Spanning Many Industries: 

We've consulted and grown businesses in a broad range of niches and industries, including:

  • Thought-leaders -  information-businesses, including coaches, authors, course creators, etc.
  • Independent professionals - loan brokers, investment advisors, attorneys, etc. 
  • E-Commerce businesses - Health, wellness, nutritional, beauty, fitness, weight-loss, etc.
  • B2B - Saas, manufacturers, distributors, franchisors, biz-opps, Network Marketers, etc.
  • Medical Practices - Dentists, Orthodontics, Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, etc. 
  • Local Businesses - Roofing, window washing, home inspection, commercial cleaning, etc. 

View Portfolio Samples

1. Sales Page

Stock Investing/Trading SaaS Program: 

Marketing management, sales page copywriting and page layout support

View Sample

2. Home Page

Natural Haircare E-Commerce: 

Home Page Website Design, Copywriting, Product Naming, Labeling, Descriptions

View Sample

3. Email Campaign

Men's Health & Fitness E-Commerce: 

Email copywriting for promotion of ingestible testosterone pills

View Sample

4. Sales Page

Digital Agency Services (B2B): 

Long-form sales page copywriting leading to consult for high-ticket agency services

View Sample

5. Video Scripts

Commercial Equipment Financing: 

Video script copy for 3 different videos designed to drive form fills

View Sample

6. Lumpy Direct Mail

Community Bank CEOs (B2B): 

Mailing 3 of 3, direct mail piece written to bank CEOs; webinar invite

View Sample

Real Entrepreneurs, Real Transformation

Will You Be Our Next BREAKTHROUGH Success Story?

Tim Estes - Estes Financial

"Campaign Brought in Millions..."

"I wanted to launch a campaign to reach a specific market. I chose Anthony because I'm a student of Dan Kennedy's marketing, and the Obeys specialize in Kennedy's direct response style of marketing. 

He wrote a multi-part campaign and during that time, I was seriously injured in a ski accident. I was put on bed-rest for 3 months; which meant I couldn't implement the other marketing things I wanted to.

I was only able to implement what Anthony created for me.

The results were superb. It brought in millions in assets under management and has added $60,000 in bottom-line profits every year since!

My advise to you, hire them! It may sound expensive but you can't afford not too. You'll be glad you did."

Tunita Bailey - Corporate Capital, LLC

"Had to Move to a Bigger Venue..."

Goal: We wanted to get new leads and to sell our educational product to support my lending company. The Obeys created an entire sales funnel (edited my webinar presentation, wrote my sales letter, squeeze page, email campaign and built it all for me).

I was pressed for a deadline and asked if they could build it for me, which they did, super-fast, professionally, high-quality and on time.

RESULT: I brought in over 3 times the number of students I usually get, which meant I had to move to a much bigger venue! Plus, this sales funnel grew my number of new leads by over 50% in just 3 days! Needless to say, I've got my new marketing connection taken care of with the Obey. They're great to work with and I definitely recommend the "CopyCouple.""

Troy Lott - Commercial Fleet Financing (CFF)

"Hundreds of Qualified Leads..."

"As a 20+ year veteran in the advertising and marketing industry, I have worked with a number of talented strategists and creatives. I hired Anthony as Senior Copywriter / Strategist and was immediately impressed with his copywriting skills, his research abilities, and his direct marketing strategies.

Anthony wrote dozens of targeted industry articles, effective landing pages, video scripts, and promotional copy which generated hundreds of qualified leads for our company.

He was always on point with his messaging and always met deadlines. Most importantly, Anthony always attacked his projects with a positive, go get ‘em attitude. That is always appreciated."

Pol Cousineau (CPA Auditor (Quebec))

Founder - The Digital Navigator

"Multiple 4-, 5-, and 6-Figure Results"

Anthony and I have been collaborating to serve a range of clients, but specializing in helping coaches, course creators, and information experts launch, makeover and grow their businesses for years. 

My strengths of digital marketing and technology required to build successful marketing systems combined with Anthony’s digital marketing and direct response copywriting expertise in this niche created a winning team that’s resulted in quick results AND long-term sustainable success for clients who’ve been with us for years. 

I know clients are in great hands for strategy and copywriting for Facebook Ads, Landing and Sales Pages, Email Campaigns, and every step of the lead generating and sales conversion process. He’s got a knack for starting from scratch and crafting messaging and sales copy that deeply resonates with target audiences in practically every niche we’ve touched – which results in high-converting landing and sales pages. This means multiple 4-figure, 5-figure, and even 6-figure results for clients – consistently and on demand.

More than a great work partner, Anthony’s a friend I trust.

Rick Ackerman - Publisher, Rick’s Picks

"Solid Increase in Sales..."

 "As someone who has written highly successful long-form ad copy and also worked as a big-city newspaper editor, I am a wordsmith myself and therefore extremely finicky about the quality of marketing pitches that go out under my company name. 

I really lucked out finding Anthony, the first copywriter I’ve worked with in more than a decade who didn’t require my constantly looking over his shoulder and revising his work. He has not only consistently met my exacting standards, he has produced a solid increase in revenues that has allowed me to breathe easier about the future of my company.  

What I like most about working with Anthony is the diligence he has shown learning about what I do and how well I do it. While others I’ve hired to market my service often used stock phrases and clichés, Anthony has delved into the various trading courses I offer. This has enabled him to sell them with bullet points that are precise, efficient and effective.

He does so many things well, really, that I cannot praise him highly enough."

Shiraz Khan - Digital Endzone

"5-STAR Sales-Copy Conversion Pro"

 "Hands down, Anthony Obey is one of the best copywriters I’ve had the pleasure of working with! I’ve tapped him for dozens of client projects for more than seven years, and counting.


Because he comes back with webinar scripts, VSLs, written sales letters, PPC copy, and email autoresponders that crush!

When I need a high-level expert to build a REI (real estate investing) course sales funnel, a high-ticket coaching webinar sales system, E-commerce Health product promotion, or digital marketing lead and sales conversion campaign for any niche and from scratch, I want Anthony on the project.

His campaigns generate more leads and sales for my clients - end of story. Plus, he’s fun to work with, has a bulletproof work ethic, and always comes through in the clutch of crazy-tight client deadlines. Anthony deserves no less than 5 stars as a sales conversion Copywriting pro!"

Corwin Jackson - Core Inspection Group

"Achieved a 40% Boost in Sales!"

 "I've worked with Anthony & Crystal Obey for 2 years, they have been phenomenal in creating email campaigns and content for my marketing.  

We achieved a 40% boost in sales and they have been fantastic in ensuring that I maintain a presence in front of my audience. 

I'd highly recommend Anthony and Crystal for all of your copywriting and digital marketing needs."

Linda Baumgarten & JoAnne Brissette - CT REIA

(Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association)

"The Obeys Are Top Dollar and Worth It!"

 "Anthony and Crystal are VERY talented copywriters. They took our material, and used all the tricks of the trade. We immediately started getting applications.

In the middle of a recession, they convinced people the investment in the CT REIA Fast-Track Coaching Program ($3,000 - $5000+) was the wisest investment they could make.

The "Copy Couple's" copywriting got people off the dime! They work fast and deliver what they promise, every time."

Catherine Hall - The “203K Queen”

Executive Director - National Association of FHA Consultants (NAFHAC), 203K Consultant & Trainer

“Tripled Email Response to My Event"

Before we started running the email campaign created by Anthony & Crystal for the Day of Discovery we only had 6 people signed up to attend the event - not good.

Anthony and Crystal Obey were recommended to me by my mentor and that was a huge reason why I chose to work with them. They spent hours getting to know me, my style of communicating and my business.

They wrote a whole campaign for me. Two days after the first email went out, 4 more people signed up. By the day of the campaign, we had 26 people signed up for the event.

They more than tripled the  response of my event registration campaign! Plus, I got a lot of feedback from people who I could see actually opened and read the email messages.

Working with Anthony and Crystal will, without a doubt, increase your bottom line.

They will take the time and quickly create amazing copy for you that demonstrates deep understanding of your business as if you wrote it - but with the skill and copywriting techniques that draw customers to your door.

With only 7 days available to them, they created a series of amazing email pieces that shocked me with how accurately they captured the concept and specific details of my event curriculum.

Their professionalism and commitment to my success is remarkable. Anyone who wants to take their business to the next level needs to hire the 'CopyCouple'.”

Tyrus Parish - Safe & Sound Home Inspection

"Sales Messaging 10X More Profitable!"

"I had the wonderful privilege and honor of working with the Obeys on a sales letter and email campaign for one of my product launches and it goes without saying that the work that they delivered far exceeded my expectations. 

The consultation was so impactful that I ended up restructuring my sales funnel

I actually thought I had everything worked out and thought out until we started talking through some things. They asked probing questions that helped me see the crippling weak points in my sales strategy. They took the words and ideas that I had and made them 10 times better and much more tangible, influential and profitable. 

I'm forever grateful for the insight, guidance and final product that I received from them. I will definitely be using them again in the future. If you want to take your marketing to the next level give them a call. 

If you want the words on your sales page to bring your money give them a call. If you want to keep things the same and lose money, then don't. :-)"

Mal Emery - Australia's 'Millionaire Maker,' Best Selling Author, Business Coach, Copywriting & Marketing Expert

 "...the Money is in the Marketing..."

“When you need million dollar compelling copy that sells do as I do and hire dream team copywriters Anthony and Crystal Obey.

The Obeys understand that 'the money is in the marketing' and I trust them to deliver online and offline emotional direct response campaigns that get results

They are world class professionals, provide fast turnaround, and are easy to work with.

If you want to flood your business with leads and sales this year I recommend you work with Anthony and Crystal Obey if you can.” 

Jim Traister - Hospitality Fan, LLC

"Doubled and Tripled Annual Revenues"

"When I became president of The Digital Navigator, US, I soon learned just how valuable Anthony was to our company. He had been instrumental in crafting the sales offers for several of our premiere services and in building our digital lead generation and sales funnels that have brought in new clients for years

He’s a wiz with our highest-level clients – drawing on his proven skills and unique strengths of masterminding to outline digital marketing launches, campaigns and irresistible offers for our diverse cadre of clients. 

His work has been pivotal in some of our most successful clients who have doubled and tripled their annual revenues.

But what I love most is that Anthony’s a genuine human being. I’m at a place in life where I can choose who I work with. I enjoy collaborating with Anthony – he’s a family man, a professional, has a great sense of humor and is fun to work with."

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Certified Copywriter by Legendary Marketer



A gifted writer and communicator, I took direct response copywriting courses by American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI) and was GOLD certified by legendary marketing guru – Dan S. Kennedy (founder of GKIC), among other pioneering copywriters and marketers.  

Bottom-line, I've spent years acquiring a vast arsenal of tactics and strategies that may be employed to 10X your sales conversions.

To learn more about us and/or LIFE AND LAUNCHES, visit our About Us page


Dan S. Kennedy, Crystal Obey, Anthony Obey

This is Your MOMENT...Take Action Today! 

 One thing I know for sure...

You're not going to find better business growth consultants ANYWHERE!

  We're the best solution for elevated entrepreneurs who are building high-profit, low-stress, lifestyle businesses. 

If that's what you want, take the next step and schedule your complimentary 20-Minute Discovery Call right now!

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